You may want to read through this tutorial first in case you want to do some of the extra steps that I took to embellishments my corner bookmark. For this project we need to gather the following supplies.
•Bone Folder
•Exacto Knife OR Scissors will work the same
•Glue Stick or ATG gun or other adhesive
•Loopy Frames Download the file if you haven't already. We will be using the DtsArt Bookmark Loopy Frame.
• Card Stock Or Paper. It doesn't matter which. I like card stock.
• Little Embellishment such as, ribbon, flowers, glitter, Cricut cuts or any other small die cut you want to use to dress up your bookmark to make it pop.
Have you gathered all that? Great then! Let's get started.
1. You need to open the DtsArt Bookmark Loopy Frame File to 5.65 inches width and height and cut it out using your cutting machine.
2. Take your bone folder and ruler and score diagonally from corner to corner. Repeat with the remaining corners.
3. Fold on both score lines.
4. Notice how when folded the paper looks like it is divided into four scored triangles. Take your Exacto Knife or Scissors and cut out one of the triangles by following the score lines.
5. We have cut the corner loops at the bottom in half. Take your Exacto Knife or Scissors and cut the other half of the loop off.
6. What we have remaining is the bases of our corner bookmark. We are now going to fold it.
a. Fold the first flap.
b. Fold the second flap.
7. When you have a nice crease you will put glue on the inside of the second flap and close the flap. Let dry. Be sure NOT to glue that first flap down or else you will not be able to put your book pages in the book mark!
8. There you have a cute corner bookmark with sweet loopy bottom trim with very little work on our part! Now embellish the front and/ or back with your choice of scrapbook findings.
There you have it. A cute little bookmark. Perfect for summer reading. I made this one for my daughter. She is an avid reader (YEAH!!) and I make her several through out the year.
I have given the steps I took to embellish my corner book mark below in case you would like you would like to use some of the embellishment looks I have used.
I trimmed the corner top of the bookmark so that I could put a pink 3/8 ribbon tab on it. I then cut a stripe of red card stock at 1 1/2 inches in height and about 8 inches long and used a Martha Stewart Punch on the top and bottom of it to get a doily look. I then used SUPRISE! you guessed it, Cricut's Create A Critter Cartridge for the ladybug. LOL You can find the ladybug on page 66 of the handbook. I then felt like it need some sparkle so I added silver and red glitter to the wings and heart using my glitter paste. The glitter paste how to is outlined here. I also decorated the back too. Instead of another Create A Critter animal. I KNOW I KNOW!! Can you believe what restraint I used not to include another critter. LOL hehehe I used pink card stock to make a tiny tag and then put her initial J on it with an accent cut out in silver. This corner bookmark looks good whether you are looking at the front or the back.